Logo of Amurabi, legal design agency

CSR departments, shareholder relations departments, investment funds, etc.

Our expertise in human-centeredness allows us to make accessible and engaging extra-financial performance statements, employee savings plans, annual reports, reference documents, etc.

The issues

Carbon neutrality, scopes 1, 2 or 3, extra-financial performance, compliance with the Millennium Development Goals or PERCOL savings accounts... these are all complex and even obscure concepts that demotivate users and activate the automatic response of the brain "I don't read" (the "System 1" according to Kahneman), and cognitive biases that prevent us from taking action, such as the optimism or pseudo-inefficiency bias. However, these are fundamental subjects and issues, which it is important for everyone to grasp, in order to make informed decisions and take action. This is what user-centricity is all about, at the heart of our achievements.

Our values

We design extra-financial performance statements, employee savings books, single reference documents, and annual reports that make people want to read, stimulate reflection, and give everyone tools for action.


Putting the user at the center of the innovation process to create services and products that solve human problems.

User sovereignty

The future of the law is to allow each person to make informed and therefore free choices, encourage thought, and enable action.

New and original solutions

The neuro-ergonomics of law achieves the highest level of Bloom's taxonomy (2001).

Our services

In practice, we transform disengaging regulatory obligations into decision support tools that everyone wants to read and that empower users to make informed choices.

Design sprint:
Create deliverables that
your operational staff
will want to read

Our deliverables have been recognized by numerous innovation awards. Each project with us is an opportunity to learn the method, to transform documents, processes or legal services into tools for action and empowerment of operational staff.

Litigation design: get the most complex messages across to the judiciary

Using neuroscience and solid litigation expertise, we help you refine your litigation strategy based on cognitive biases related to the subject matter or judge profiles. We then develop tools and visuals to convey the most complex messages, and design conclusions to lighten the cognitive load of magistrates.

Train your legal teams, and get your design, digital, branding teams on board...

A duo of experienced lawyers and designers will share their know-how with you, for an application in your daily life: state of mind, legal foundations of Legal Design, method and user tests. Learn how to transform all your deliverables to solve your users' problems, and at the same time shine with your internal customers.

Example of realization

How can we make the subject of employee savings simpler and more engaging to enable employees to make the best choice for their savings?

"What does employee savings mean to me?", "How can I save when I don't like to take risks?" Or when the end of the month is difficult? These are the questions that many employees ask themselves when they have to make their employee savings choices.Orange therefore asked us to produce a short video and an information tool to solve the difficulties employees have and to enable them to choose the best option for their individual situation.

Thank you all very much, it's a great result, it's great. I am sure that it will be very useful to the employees who save in the group. Finally, we explain in a simple and clear way, thinking first of the beneficiaries.

Thierry Perrouault - Director of Shareholder Relations ORANGE